Wednesday 8 February 2012

Critical theory: My own definitions:

  • Shot/reverse shot: this is when a camera films a conversation between two people. When one person is talking, the camera is situated behind them, so the focus is on the person who they are speaking to, and vice versa.
  • 180 degree rule: this is the idea that the camera must stay on one side of the people being filmed and it cannot change position, otherwise the audience will get confused.
  • Match on action: this is the idea that the filming must be continuous and when there's something happening in the scene, it must be happening in action, too.
Shot/reverse shot 

180 degree rule: (we have stayed filming on one particular side throughout so the people never switch positions)

Match on action:

Unfortunately we could not complete this last task as we ran out of time, however if we were to complete the task, we would show we'd completed it by having the piece of paper the female character is holding on the desk at all times, instead of a mix between in her hands and on the desk. We'd also keep the lighting continuous.